So the NCAA really IS a part of Academia

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Nothing confirms it more than their ridiculous decision to ban schools from using Native American derived mascots during post-season tournaments. What's worse here? The stupid PC genesis of the idea, or the half-assed implementation? I mean, come on guys - if you are going to take a stand, have the balls to go all the way. This I guarantee - if the NCAA had control of the football post-season, this dumb-ass idea would have been dead on arrival. Put another way, if Florida State were a basketball power, this dumb-ass idea would have been dead on arrival.

At first I thought this story was stupid beyond words, and so I decided to refrain from reducing my thoughts to the written word. But then this piece by Bob Ford caught my eye, with a classic quote from the spokesman (sorry - spokesperson) for the San Diego State Aztecs:

[The NCAA] has already let San Diego State off the hook after the school argued that the Aztecs culture was not a "North American culture, but a culture based in what is now Mexico," according to a university spokesman.
LOLOLOL!!! That is one of the most blazingly stupid things I have ever heard a university spokesm--person ever say. As Ford commented:
That's a neat piece of scrambling, even if it doesn't say much for the geography department.

For all of you who graduated from SDSU, here's a map of North America:


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This page contains a single entry by Scott published on August 8, 2005 9:30 PM.

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