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Sometimes you have to search your heart - reach deep down inside your soul and ask yourself a question and promise to give yourself and honest answer. The question: Am I making a good faith donation to charity, or am I just trying to get rid of junk that I would otherwise have to pay to dispose of?

Everyone knows what I am talking about when I say "hobby horse" right? The plastic horse attached to a frame with springs, right?

Like this:


Kids love them. Mine do. They can spend minutes on end on it.

Anyway - I am sure kids who are disadvantaged would love the opportunity to own such a magnificent steed as well. Their faces probably light up like the sun on a perfect spring morn when their parents are lucky enough to find one at a second hand shop.

So what kind of depravity must lurk in a man's heart to do this?


What's a kid supposed to do with this? The damn thing can't even stand up on its own! Unless the the kid wants to play "Afleet Alex at the Preakness" he's pretty much out of luck, fun-wise, don't ya think?

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This page contains a single entry by Scott published on August 22, 2005 10:08 PM.

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