Newsflash: Organized Labor Assists Democrats!

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From's "First Read" column....

As we mentioned earlier today, one of the key primaries to watch in Ohio today is the Democratic contest for the congressional seat being abandoned by Rep. Ted Strickland (D), who's running for governor. In this race, establishment favorite Charlie Wilson (D) is trying to win the nomination as a write-in candidate because he amazingly failed to secure the 50 valid signatures needed to get on the ballot. And experts say that if Wilson isn't able to defeat his lesser-known Democratic opponents, that gives the GOP an almost sure shot of winning this seat -- making the Dems' chances of winning back the House even more difficult.

But Democrats are working hard to ensure that Wilson wins the primary. And even organized labor has gotten into the act.

I LOVE that. "Even organized labor has gotten into the act." WOW! It has? Even the AFL-CIO is working hand-in-hand with the Democratic Party to affect the outcome of an election? Will wonders never cease! I just can't belive that even the union would help out with something like this. Just amazing!

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